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Home Blog The World’s Greatest 20 Sport Events To Add To Your Bucket List

The World’s Greatest 20 Sport Events To Add To Your Bucket List

The World's 20 Greatest Sporting Event To Add To Your Bucket List Nowadays we enjoy watching sports more than ever. We also practice those sports we watch on television to stay healthy and have fun.

But because there are so many sport events, we took the time to make our list of top 20 sport events. Check them out and add them to your bucket list. 


Sport Events #1: Olympic Games

Prometheus stole the fire of the gods to keep the humans warm after Zeus refused to help them. The Olympic Games are The Olympic Gamesconsidered as the main worlds’ sport competition. Over 50 disciplines are part of the games – from athletics to diving in two weeks.

The opening and closing ceremonies are very emotional and the lighting of the Olympic torch is amazing to watch because it symbolizes the eternal peace of the stolen fire of the brave Prometheus. The next Olympic Summer Games are going to take place in Tolyo in 2020.

Sport Events #2: Soccer World Cup

The world soccer celebrations take place since 1930. Millions of soccer fans wait for four years to live the passion of soccer. Attending this event is a unique experience where you can feel a fantastic vibe. Did you know that in 1938 during World War II, the Cup was hidden in a mattress to avoid Nazis stealing it? Russia is going to be the host of the next world cup in 2018.

Sporting Events #3: Euro Cup

Europe has its own soccer championship and the Russian Dmitri Kirichenko made the fastest goal ever. Every four years, the best European soccer teams gather to play for this cup. Last year’s was France with its modern Parc des Princes national stadium.

The Super Bowl

Sport Events #4: Super Bowl

Great players, amazing shows and tons of fun – the annual National Football League (NFL) starts every February in the United States. Regardless of the high ticket prices, the game and its half time shows are simply breathtaking.

From Michael Jackson to Katy Perry and Queen B, the half-time shows are magnificent. You may find excellent players like Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers. Just remember don’t miss work the next day!

Sport Events #5: Tour de France

In spite of the Armstrong scandal, this competition is one of the oldest, prestigious and hardest for the athletes. This is a cyclist competition through France and other countries nearby, for three weeks every July. In the past, competitors were only allowed to use the same bicycle all the time and repair it by themselves.

Sport Events #6: Formula 1

If you like The fast and the furious, this will be perfect for you. The speed, the sound, the pole position, the atmosphere is simply awesome. EUROPE DATA SIM PREPAIDEnjoying The Grand Prix of Monaco from the luxurious Fairmont hotel is very exciting. Formula 1 takes place in many countries like Australia, Bahrain, Russia, Spain, Canada, Italy, Mexico and more. You should visit at least!

Sport Events #7: 24 Heures Du Mans

For the car lovers this unique race is taking place in Le Mans in June every year. Prestigious car brands like Ferrari, Audi and Porsche fight for the prestigious cup every year. The race is 24 hours whereby pilots change all the time. One of the amazing moments is watch the pit stop.

Finals Of Nba

Sport Events #8: NBA Finals

One of the most exciting things to do is seeing Lebron James bouncing the ball.

The NBA finals is the supreme event to watch for the lovers of basketball and takes place in June.


Sport Events #9: Wimbledon

This tennis competition is very fun to see, even when you must remain silent. Enjoying the skills Roger Federer or Maria Sharapova is very cool. These games take place in London every June. The players can only wear white clothes and the spectators usually dress well, too.

Sport Events #10: World Series

Being in the House That Ruth Built and observe Aaron Judge hit a home run is definitely marvelous and can be watched every October, following the World Series which are the finals of the baseball league in the United States. The atmosphere there is electrifying. Rumors say that a Red Sox jersey is buried in the Yankee Stadium.

World Series

Sport Events #11: Caribbean Series Of Baseball

If baseball and hot weather is your thing, this championship is for you. This event hosts the national baseball league of Venezuela, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba every February – fun is guaranteed.

Sport Events #12: Boxing World Championship

Germany will be the host of this thrilling event this year where boxers from around the world will fight for the belt. This kind of event is very wild; everything can happen like being bitten in the ear, so you probably shouldn’t stay still.

Ultimate Fighting Championship

Sport Events #13: Ultimate Fighting Championship

For the adrenaline junkies – this is the perfect thing to watch. The fighters use mixed martial arts and get violent.

There many opportunities to attend such an event as it takes place in many countries. Did you know that running away from your opponent could disqualify the fighter? You must check it out!


Sport Events #14: European Professional Club Rugby

Rugby is a contact sport so it can become violent, but it’s very exciting to watch. Every year from October to May you can attend to a games. There is also a championship for underwater rugby. It sounds extreme, right?

Sport Events #15: World Swimming Championship

Watch someone like Michael Phelps conquering the swimming pool is glorious. This year the best swimmers in the world will swim in Budapest. Did you know the oldest swimming style is breaststroke?

Sport Events #16: World Athletics Championship

London will be home to the best athletes in the world this August. Be aware that this might be the last chance ever to see Usain Bolt, so don’t miss it.

Sport Events #17: Ironman

Swimming, riding a bike and running at the same day is for super humans – something you should watch whenever you have the possibility to do so. These events take places around the world so don’t miss it.

Sporting Events #18: New York Marathon

World Athletics Championship

From Staten Island to Central Park and with the sound of New York, New York of Sinatra, this huge event attracts people from around the world every year. You might find celebrities like Edward Norton or Alanis Morrissette running as well.

Sporting Events #19: Boston Marathon

Every third Monday of April, thousands of runners gather in this beautiful city. The winner in 1980 was disqualified because she took the train and showed up in the last stretch.

Sporting Events #20: X Games

If your thing is extreme sports you should visit Minnesota to see the X Games. There are also the winter X Games which take place in different places every time. Did you know Travis Pastrana recovered successfully after having separated his spine from X Gameshis pelvis during an accident? Did you already decide what event will make it on your bucket list?

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